Merx is honoured to have participated in SAP’s project in repurposing their Hong Kong workspace. SAP had exemplified the definition of innovation by revamping their office into a fully agile workspace.

It was a pleasant 4-month journey to strategize with SAP on how to deliver a collaborative future-of-work office. Merx was first commissioned to fully understand their staff’s needs with the designer, synchronising the new office design to optimise employees’ interactions and work efficiency at the new office.

Merx SAP Client Success (33)
Merx SAP Client Success (25)
"I can say without a doubt that the new office is a QUANTUM leap from what we had before, and now our office space is right up there with our technology peers in functionality, agility, design, fun and cool. I am proud of what we all visualized and collaborated on to deliver."
Quote From Client

Merx is once again proud to deliver this innovative flexible office. We are confident this agile workspace fosters staff collaborations, to be inspired by their colleagues and act as the driving force for SAP’s future innovations.

We wish SAP continual success in the years ahead.

For information on the services that Merx provides or to discuss your office requirements please contact:

WILLIAM FORWOOD_website 512 512

William Forwood

Managing Director
at Merx Group
Paul Scroggie – Blog

Paul Scroggie

Merx Regional
Managing Director